
How can we prepare young people for the future, what do we need to do as educators and teachers to not only teach effectively, but also to develop students’ professional and transversal competences? What methods can we use to motivate young people to take responsibility for their own knowledge and development?

There are many different ways and methods of developing competences. From a practical point of view, motivational teaching methods (games, group work, exploration, discussion, projects) play an important role in competence development. Game-based and inquiry-based learning, creating a safe learning environment, fostering interaction and collaboration are significant innovations in teaching methods and learning organisation, with a focus on the strengths of students’ personalities and their active participation.

The reform of education and training involves a new type of relationship between the teacher and the learner, new strategies for teaching and knowledge acquisition, more effective methods, forms and tools that also influence effectiveness. The following learner-centred, active learning/teaching methods are recommended to enrich teachers’ methodological toolbox.

"From Sources to a Star"

Systematic inventive thinking. In the case of innovation from resources we are dealing with existing products as opposed to customers and their needs.


A method for generating ideas that will provide a solution to a problem


It is a technique for rapid idea generation that eliminates many of the pitfalls of traditional brainstorming meetings.

Cooperative method

Students work in heterogeneous groups of 4-6 people towards a common goal.


"Illustration is an illustrative teaching method in which the objects, phenomena and processes to be studied are perceived and analyzed."

Diagnostic Assessment

A method for collecting information on learning with the help of assessment, to improve the characteristics of individuals and groups.

Evaluation by Portfolio

One of the most effective ways to track, present, and document individual development and learning pathways.

Evaluation of a Pedagogical Project

Small-group developer evaluation takes place as a complex one, in several stages at multi-level.

Evaluation of Practical Work

We can perform formative and developmental assessment for a variety of purposes, and we can also use them as summative assessments in various exams.

Experiential education

A direction of reform pedagogy, which emphasises experiential teaching rather than the formal stages of education applied before.