
How can we prepare young people for the future, what do we need to do as educators and teachers to not only teach effectively, but also to develop students’ professional and transversal competences? What methods can we use to motivate young people to take responsibility for their own knowledge and development?

There are many different ways and methods of developing competences. From a practical point of view, motivational teaching methods (games, group work, exploration, discussion, projects) play an important role in competence development. Game-based and inquiry-based learning, creating a safe learning environment, fostering interaction and collaboration are significant innovations in teaching methods and learning organisation, with a focus on the strengths of students’ personalities and their active participation.

The reform of education and training involves a new type of relationship between the teacher and the learner, new strategies for teaching and knowledge acquisition, more effective methods, forms and tools that also influence effectiveness. The following learner-centred, active learning/teaching methods are recommended to enrich teachers’ methodological toolbox.

Numerical sensitivity analysis (+/- method)

This method focuses on assesment of financial aspects of the invention

PDCA Deming cycle

The PDCA method is used to improve organisational processes and to solve problems.

Peer evaluation

Assessment based on pre-defined criteria that helps teach students to realistically evaluate themselves and their peers.

Phenomenon-Based Learning

PhBL is a holistic, learner-centred approach in which we study phenomena as a whole, in a real context.

Problem-Based Learning

"A concept of knowledge, understanding and education that is radically different from the more familiar concept of subject-based learning." (Barrows, 2003)

Project-Based Learning

The project method is based on the joint activities of teachers and students, which organizes the learning process as a series of projects.


Prototyping is a process where the ideas are materialised – turned from ideas, scetches into tangible forms.

QaDIM (Quick and Dirty Method)

The QaDIM method is primarily intended for the identification of opportunities for incremental innovations on the already existing product.


Self-assessment is the evaluation, perception, positive or negative judgment that a person makes based on the evaluation of their own thoughts, feelings...


A possible way of experiential learning