PDCA Deming cycle

Type of method
Creative techniques
Short summary
The PDCA method is used to improve organisational processes and to solve problems.

The method supports the continuous search for more effective methods for the improvement of organisational processes.

PDCA cycle

1. PLAN.

We begin by identifying the existing state. Once we have defined the problem, we prepare a plan how to solve the problem and determine the goal we want to achieve.

2. DO.

We begin to carry out activities in accordance with the plan.


We monitor the processes. We then review them and evaluate the results of the changes. Has the change brought improvements? If it has, then we continue with this, if it has not, and we do not notice any improvements, we re-define the goal or improve it.

4. ACT.

We think and act in accordance with new findings. We determine the appropriate measures, which will be taken to make corrections. Action is the most important aspect of the PDCA cycle.