Nearpod is the asset that enables us to create interactive lessons. It allows you to incorporate quizzes, reflection questions, interactive exercises and collaborative tools into your presentations. With Nearpod, we can monitor each student's activity in the classroom, as the system provides us with real-time feedback on answers given, questions missed, reflections, individual or group problem solving. This kind of interactivity is useful both in the classroom and in distance learning, as it allows you to see the answers of all students, not only those who are usually active during class.
The system has a simple user interface, making it quick and easy to work with. It is also possible to start from existing presentations in ppt format and fill them with interactive content.
Using the system's video editor, questions and exercises can be inserted at specific points in the video to be shown, which the students have to answer on the spot- this way we can check their understanding and draw their attention to specific points to follow during the film.
- Poveča interaktivnost učencev
- Dejavnosti vseh učencev je mogoče nenehno spremljati
- takojšnje povratne informacije za učitelja in učenca
Določena orodja lahko uporabljate le, če zanje plačate.
Our interactive lessons and videos can be used live, either in the classroom or during distance learning. We share the code or link provided by the system with our learners, so they can follow the lessons, answer the questions and solve the exercises using their own devices.
When screening a film, we have the possibility to have only the questions appear on the student's device at certain points in the screening.
We can also distribute interactive learning materials and videos for home learning. Students then go through the lesson/watch the film at their own pace.
They can only watch the film if they have answered the questions asked.
The EdTech Show with Dan Spada: How To Use Nearpod tutorial 2021 - Teacher Guide For Beginners
ZA UČITELJE: Kaj je spletno orodje NEARPOD in kako ga uporabljati za pouk na daljavo
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Prijava ali Registracija za objavo komentarjev
Interaktivne vaje
S spodaj navedenimi orodji lahko ustvarite spletne vaje z vstavljanjem slik, zvočnih in video datotek. Oglejte si vaje, ki so jih ustvarili drugi, in jih spremenite za svoje namene.
Ustvarjene vaje lahko vedno znova uporabljate v učilnici ali na spletu.
Če namesto običajne - in priznajmo si, pogosto dolgočasne - predstavitve v PowerPointu uporabite eno od spodnjih orodij, bo to zagotovo prineslo uspeh.
Ker vam primanjkuje časa, lahko predhodno pripravljen ppt v nekaj korakih spremenite v videoposnetek. Izberite možnost Shrani kot, nato pa predstavitev shranite kot .mp4 in končali ste.
Read about gamification - an innovative teaching-learning method - on our website here.
Kviz, test, glasovanje
Kviz, test, glasovanje
Spletne teste in kvize je mogoče ponovno uporabiti in deliti - če jih želite uporabiti za vadbo, ni težav.
Običajno lahko izbirate med številnimi vrstami vprašanj, ocenjevanje pa je veliko lažje kot pri običajnih testih.
Nekatera od spodnjih orodij lahko uporabite tudi za zbiranje hitrih povratnih informacij v določenem trenutku, tudi anonimno, tako da lahko učitelj vedno dobi predstavo o tem, kako dobro so učenci razumeli snov.