Culture and Art – Óraterv

Terv típusa
Business, administration and law
Information and Communication Technologies
Témakör, tanulási terület
Culture and Arts Vocabulary
Szakmai tantárgy(ak)
Fejlesztendő kompetenciák, készségek
ICT skills
Communication and collaboration
Creativity and innovation
Leadership and responsibility
Fejlesztendő szakmai kompetenciák, készségek
ICT skills, cooperation, creativity, evaluation, responsibility, leadership, language skills (speaking, writing) skills
Módszer, tanulásszervezési
flipped classroom
Közoktatási tantárgy(ak)
Tanulási, fejlesztési célok
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to use and categorise new vocabulary próperly tegorize
Introducing, learning and practising new vocabulary on the topic Culture, art
Szükséges eszközök
laptop, projector, smartphone, whiteboard
Óra előtt vagy projekthez kiadott anyagok

Powerpoint presentation prepared by the teacher and sent ahead: (can´t be uploaded here...)

Mindmeister link: Mind maps made by groups of students

Quiz on Google Forms

Wordart clouds


Az óra / projekt bevezető része, előkészítése

Students will be divided into 4 - 5 groups with max. 5 members in each one (depending on the number of students in the class). One of them will be appointed the leader. They will receive the ppt presentation on the topic Culture and Arts a week or two before the lesson to prepare mind-maps of the chosen sub-topics (one group, one sub-topic) -  flipped lesson.

Sample mind-map: - see the printscreen:

A kép eltávolítva.

Az óra / projekt megvalósítása

Group-leaders will share and present their mind-maps. Students will take notes, the teacher´s role is to provide additional information, explanation, examples using pictures or sentences to fix and memorize the new key words.

Students evaluate and decide on the best mind map.

Technical devices and tools required: laptop, whiteboard, projector


Tananyag készítéséhez használt alkalmazás
Google Forms
PowerPoint 2016+ as screen recorder
Értékelési terv

At the end of the project students will be given a link to the Google Forms (Kahoot?) application to test their vocabulary to get the immediate feedback.

Google Forms link:


Groups will be created not randomly, but regarding students´abilities, communication and presentation skills.

Házi feladat, projektfeladat

Practising vocabulary by creating the WordArt clouds indivídually.

Retaking and practising the Google Forms quiz.

WordArt link: