Short summary
A free, open source, easy-to-use e-learning framework.

It is mostly used in education for storing and sharing study materials, assigning / requesting tasks, and writing tests. The LMS (Learning Management System) system, which supports the progress of students and tracks their activities, has a built-in logging feature. It can also be used as a Virtual Lerning Enviroment (VLE).

Courses can be created in the system into which content can be uploaded. Users can be registered or they might register and take courses themselves. Groups can also be created.

moodle activities and resources

There are several available plug-ins for the system to be downloaded.

  • free
  • open-source
  • customizable
  • easy-to-use
  • virtual learning environment, flexible, there are no spatial or time constraints
  • students can explore the contents and complete the tasks on their own individual learning paths
  • students can "get lost" among the various different contents and information
  • the mobile application does not work with the Open ID Connect login
Usage in teaching/learning
  • e-learning support system
  • content sharing
  • tests/quizzes/polls/votes
  • submission of tasks/assignments
  • forum/chat
  • glossary
  • wiki knowledge base
Type of tool

Learning environment

Learning environment

An effective virtual learning environment has both learning management and content management functions. It supports communication, file sharing and can handle student assignments.

Although there are many such platforms, most schools opt for one specific application.

Free version available
Interface language
Does it have a built-in repository where we can browse content created by other teachers?
Does the free version support online cooperation?
For beginners
Hegedüs Helén

More digital tools

Classcraft logó