Tanfolyam – lesson / project plan

Thema, Lernbereich
Non-defining Relative Clauses
Berufsbezogene Fächer
Kompetenzen, zu entwickelnde Fähigkeiten
Communication and collaboration
Critical thinking, problem solving
Berufliche Kompetenzen, zu entwickelnde Fähigkeiten
Lern- und Entwicklungsziele
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and use non-defining relative clauses in English sentences.
Erforderliche Werkzeuge
Whiteboard and markers Handouts with exercises Projector or whiteboard for multimedia presentation Examples of sentences with non-defining relative clauses Small cards with sentences for a group activity
45 minutes
Einführungsteil und Vorbereitung des Unterrichts- / Projektplans

Introduction (5 minutes):

  1. Begin with a quick review of defining relative clauses. Ask students to recall what they are and how they differ from non-defining relative clauses.
  2. Introduce the concept of non-defining relative clauses by explaining that these clauses provide extra information about a noun, but the sentence would still be complete without them.
  3. Show examples on the board and explain the use of commas to set off non-defining relative clauses.
Umsetzung des Unterrichts / Projektplans

Presentation (10 minutes):

  1. Use multimedia resources to present additional examples of sentences with non-defining relative clauses.
  2. Break down the sentences, highlighting the structure and the use of commas.
  3. Provide clear explanations and ask questions to ensure understanding.

Practice (15 minutes):

  1. Hand out worksheets with sentences containing errors related to non-defining relative clauses. Students should correct these errors individually.
  2. After completing the individual exercise, pair students and have them compare their answers.
  3. Discuss the corrections as a class, addressing any common mistakes.

Group Activity (10 minutes):

  1. Divide the class into small groups and distribute cards with sentences.
  2. Each group must identify the non-defining relative clauses in their sentences and explain the role of these clauses.
  3. Encourage discussion and collaboration within the groups.

Wrap-up and Homework (5 minutes):

  1. Review the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the use of non-defining relative clauses.
  2. Assign homework, which could include writing sentences with non-defining relative clauses or identifying them in a short text.

Assessment: Assess students' understanding through class participation, the correction of exercises, and their performance in the group activity. Provide feedback on their correct usage of non-defining relative clauses and address any persistent errors.

Hausaufgabe, Projektaufgabe

writing sentences with non-defining relative clauses or identifying them in a short text.