
Kurze Zusammenfassung
Mindmapping software.

It helps us visualise our thoughts and knowledge in a creative way, organised according to our own point of view, using shapes and colours.


Supports online collaboration.


We are only allowed to create 3 mindmaps in the free version.

Verwendung beim Lehren/ Lernen
  • organising knowledge, concepts
  • visual representation of connections
  • highlighting the key points - facilitating learning


This example shows how you can sketch out the proposed structure of a website:

website structure

Art des Tools

Mind map

What is a mind map?

A mind map is a visual tool for structuring thoughts. It is a hierarchical diagram of everything that has been discussed. Key ideas/text/symbols/colours helps trigger mind flow and more detailed explanation to the presenter.

Happiness mindmap

What is it good for?

As a study aid — the visual element is great at triggering memories.
Researching new products and developing new ideas — as you discuss topics, they are recorded, allowing you to track idea development more easily, and for visualization for multiple people.
As a problem-solving tool — helpful in brainstorming problems and building on ideas to determine solutions.
As a presentation method — one is able to show how a process was developed, visualizing alternatives and topics discussed.

  1. Start with a focus - This idea or thought needs to be the center of your mind map. 
  2. Plot sub-groups - From your main idea, you will determine key areas, which are sub-groups of your focus.
  3. Develop further - Each of your sub-groups will likely to have their own set of sub-groups (use of a single keyword).
  4. ExpandAdd additional facts, pictures, symbols etc.
  5. Add connections between (sub)groups to present interrelations.

An example

COVID-19 Mind map

source: https://www.biggerplate.com/mindmaps/KqfPO5IW/covid-19

Did you know?

1970 - British psychologist Tony Buzan popularized the term mind map.


Free version available
Enthält es ein eingebautes Repositorium, in dem wir Inhalte durchsuchen können, die von anderen Lehrern erstellt wurden?
Unterstützt die kostenlose Version Online-Kooperationen?
For beginners
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