Teacher lecture

Tipo di metodo
Teaching-learning methods
Tipo di metodo di insegnamento-apprendimento
Centrato sull'insegnante
Breve sintesi
Oral communication method, used to explain a topic / activity in detail over a longer period of time.

The lecture usually combines presentation, explanation, and illustration, or it can appear as a stand-alone method. It is worth applying to communicate and introduce new knowledge and to arouse interest.

Debolezze e rischi connessi all'uso del metodo e strategie per superarli

During the performance, students are forced to follow the pace of the performer.

Dritte per l'applicazione del metodo

It should be presented in a good audible way, students should be able to take notes, it is worth making a presentation.

It consists of three main parts:

1. Introduction: establishing a teacher-student communication, raising awareness, communicating knowledge

2. Explanation: presentation of a topic, it is necessary to maintain the attention of the students, it is necessary to strive for a clear explanation

3. Summary: summarizing what has been said, providing a question-and-answer opportunity, highlighting important information, linking it to the following parts of the curriculum