Irrigation Systems – lesson / project plan

Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
Thema, Lernbereich
Irrigation systems for plant walls
Berufsbezogene Fächer
Kompetenzen, zu entwickelnde Fähigkeiten
Initiative and self-direction
Creativity and innovation
Flexibility and adaptability
Berufliche Kompetenzen, zu entwickelnde Fähigkeiten
- recognizing the panels and elements of a plastic plant wall - recognizing the elements of metal-structured plant walls - assembling the irrigation system of plastic and metal-structured plant walls -recognizing pump types and failures
flipped classroom
Lern- und Entwicklungsziele
Irrigation system for plastic and metal-structured plant walls design
plastic and metal framed plant walls
Erforderliche Werkzeuge
Smartphone, tablet, internet access
45 min.
Vorab veröffentlichte Projektmaterialien
Einführungsteil und Vorbereitung des Unterrichts- / Projektplans

Searching for a video in social medai (Youtube) that introduces the topic. Setting the aspects and questions to the students based on which they can drive their own new  knowledge acquiring process. 

Students watch the video pre-class.

The teacher prepares the teaching material (ppt) pre-class.

Umsetzung des Unterrichts / Projektplans

The lesson takes place with the active participation of the students, the teacher helps the understanding, directs the conversation, explanations if necessary.


Didactic activities:

- Organization – 2 min. – listening to presence reports, instructions by the teacher

- Motivation 3 min. – dialogue

Have you all watched the video?

Would you like to discuss on it?

- Preparation – 4 min. – introduction to the topic by the teacher

Structure of plastic and metal green walls, its elements

Types of irrigation systems

Assembling of different irrigation systems

Elements and parts of irrigation systems

- Processing new knowledge – 30 min. – discussion, questions and answers

Getting to know the irrigation system of plant walls outdoors and indoors

Steps for designing an irrigation system for plant walls

How can you design an irrigation system in the plant walls?

What are the parts of the irrigation system?

What operates the irrigation system?

How can we choose the proper irrigation system?

Where can you get its parts from?

What can you implement yourself, as diy?

- Consolidation of the knowledge – 5 min. – instructions, dialogue

Discussion of emerging questions

If necessary, reviewing the video

- Assessment – 1 min. – verbal

Evaluation of classwork and the video


Verwendete Anwendungen
Personal skills: - responsibility - accuracy - independence - stress tolerance - commitment - load capacity - self-discipline - perseverance

Peer evaluation by the students.


Those who have watched the video at home will help those, who have watched it only at the beginning of the lesson as they will have studied the video at least 2 times until the lesson starts. 

Hausaufgabe, Projektaufgabe

Search for similar videos on the Internet that can deepen their knowledge on the topic, or try to create their own. 

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